Lola’s Journey

Helping a family and friends run charity raise funds for 4 year old Lola to receive Stem Cell Therapy in order to help her combat Cerebral Palsy.

Strategy, Logo, Website, Advertising, Signage, Exhibition, Stationery, Promotional, Social Media, Photography

Project Overview

We have been working with the charity for a number of years on working towards reaching their fundraising targets.

Lola's Journey logo


Lola’s Journey is a family and friends run charity raising funds for 4 year old Lola Stockdale to receive pioneering Stem Cell treatment in America in order to help her combat Cerebral Palsy.

We were approached to create an identity and design system for the charity and, working in close partnership with them, have continued to produce all their web, print and promotional material.

With interest continually growing in the cause, sponsors and donators accumulating and events constantly being planned and executed, the future is looking much brighter for Lola.

Lola Stockdale

Lola's Journey logo
Lola's Journey logo

Lola's Journey logo

Lola's Journey logo
Lola's Journey thank you

Lola's Journey letter and sponsor form
Lola's Journey letterhead

Lola’s Story

Lola was born cord prolapsed and was starved of oxygen for 50 minutes. This resulted in Lola having four limb cerebral palsy, global development delay and cerebral vision.

Lola has had a tough ride but she has achieved so much in her first few years of life. Lola started to breathe by herself after a week, something that the doctors didn’t think she would ever do. By the time she was 14 months she began to eat three meals a day orally, which although is still very difficult for her to do she manages well. As Lola gets stronger day by day her family become more determined to raise the money needed to help her achieve her full potential.

The £50,000 will allow Lola to undergo stem cell treatment, an operation that introduces new cells into damaged tissue. Many medical researchers believe that stem cell treatments have the potential to repair injury as it has the ability to self renew and potentially replace damaged areas with minimal risk of rejection and minimal side effects.

This operation has helped many cerebral palsy children have a better quality of life and Lola’s family wish Lola to have the same success and give her the best opportunity to improve her life.

Lola's Journey wristbands
Lola's Journey wristbands

Lola's Journey car sticker
Lola's Journey thank you certificate

Lola's Journey Funday poster
Lola's Journey poster

Lola's Journey website

Lola's Journey collection buckets
Lola's Journey collection pots

Lola's Journey Funday
Lola's Journey Funday

Lola's Journey Funday
Lola's Journey Funday

Kent Police cycle 5 Countries in 5 Days for Lola's Journey
Tonbridge Wells Half-Marathon for Lola's Journey